The most important aspect of the victorious website is good quality design. An inadequately designed website actually discourages visitors from even getting to your site, and leave quickly when they arrive. Good quality designed website promote your website and encourage people to remain on it once they are in. In fact, it also leaves a good impression, which in turn causes people to persist to visit again.
And that’s why I’ve named it as a Master Concept of Well Designed Website
The Concepts is Summarized below:-
“A good quality design website promotes your website and encourages people to remain on it once they are in.“
As this statement is very simple, it is also a very simple thing that designing a website plays a very crucial role to make it a success. However, to implement this statement properly while designing a successful website is far-reaching and critical.
For example, “what are you communicating & with whom, and why is it important?” are two of the critical questions a web designer should ask himself. These questions are very crucial as a web designer not only designs a website for visitors to fulfill their complex requirements but also to communicate with various search engine spiders, internet mapping and many other automated tools. Taking care of all these things plays a very pivotal role in the success of any website.
Now, the next question is what is required to make the website communicate with everyone and how to make it possible.
Following are some of the tips and suggestions:
Design Your Site
To Start with a website project, you need to do planning by the chronological method. So, sit and think before doing anything. Practically, all successful projects come up with good planning, analysis and designing work. If you ignore this step, you may find yourself doing the same step over and over again. It is like re-implementing your website again and again. Do you think that this step is taking too long to a complete designing project? Then just answer one question that why everyone can design a good website by making changes to it over and over again?
Alt Tags
Include ALT tags to each image to make your website communicate better with those visitors who cannot view graphics and with search engine spiders.
Adding Metatags on each page is very crucial to pass the information about the website to various search engines. The ranking of your website is also improved on some search engines.
The website should be user-friendly. Visitors should be able to access and find things on the website easily. Navigation plays an important role to make the website user-friendly. Navigation on your site should make sense to all the visitors.
All the links on the website should work properly from the very first day of going to the website live on the internet. Do not add a link if it is not working properly. Never think that you can add it first and fix it later. Especially, there is no excuse for adding bad internal links as it is a sign of an amateur.
External links can break occasionally because of rapid changes in the web environment. Anybody can make changes to their webpage and close their websites and you will never get notified about it. You should check the links occasionally and should be able to fix and update these external links as soon as possible.
Site Map
A site map is something like adding a table of contents to your website. Visitors can get the complete picture of your glorious website by visiting the site map. Visitors and spiders can find only a few pages of your website via search engines. The site map helps them to explore all pages of the site.
What’s New
Make “What’s New” a part of your home page and also create a special section of it on the website. It generates curiosity about your website in visitors.
Frequently Asked Questions
The main objective of each website is to communicate. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section answers the most common questions of visitors. You got get overwhelmed with lots of repeated questions of visitors.
Provide A Guestbook
It is like signing a guestbook at a restaurant that visitors complete after eating. It communicates the feelings of guests to the restaurant owner about their likes and dislikes about the place and food. Same way, the guestbook function of a website is very helpful in creating a link between visitor and webmaster.
Above mentioned are few suggestions to help make your website successful and popular on the web. There are so many other things that a webmaster can do to design a good website. The only thing that needs to be remembered is that the objective of the website is to communicate something with the world. A visitor should be convinced to buy a product after visiting your website if you are selling anything via it.